Sacred Smudging Kit


Through out history , the burning of natural substances has been used for cleansing, healing and spiritual purposes.

White Sage has been used by Native Americans for thousands of years. Palo Santo “sacred wood” is used in South America in much the same way as White Ceremonial Sage is used in North America - it is a strong medicine to keep energies grounded and clear.

Abalone Shell, White Sage, and Palo Santo

From a place of gratitude and respect, light the bundle, blow out the flame and invite the smoke medicine to cleanse and purify as you wave bundle around the self.  Next, continue with the clearing by dispersing the sacred smoke through out your home or space while holding the intention of purification.  Open a door and/or window while smudging.  When finished, smudge out the smoke bundle and store on altar or sacred spot for next time.

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